
Right! So, here we are.  First post!  Its been a very steep learning curve to get a website all set up and hopefully I can keep this blog going with lots of constant relevant updates without resorting to keeping you informed of which brand of coffee I'm drinking right now...  Big Thanks to everyone who have shared their comments about the site.

Got a busy weekend and it would be rather helpful if the weather holds out.  I'll be photographing some paintballers as they go about their business!  I'll try to blog and post some pics during the shoot, if I get the time.

Then I'm off to see the Only in England exhibition at the Science Museum.  It features two of the most under appreciated photographers this country has ever produced: Tony Ray-Jones and Martin Parr.  Go check out the links if you'd like to know more.

I've also got to get my backside in gear and take some photos with a disposable camera as part of a Camera Club challenge.  So if you see someone jump out in front of you this weekend with a one of these...


'll know who it is!